New CO2 pipelines will help us achieve our climate goals by moving captured carbon to permanent storage.
New CO2 pipelines will help us achieve our climate goals by moving captured carbon to permanent storage.
New CO2 pipelines will help us achieve our climate goals by moving captured carbon to permanent storage.
Our Future Flows Through Pipelines
Our Future Flows Through Pipelines
What is Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)?
CCS is the process of capturing CO2 emissions that would have been released into the air and transporting them through CO2 pipelines to permanent storage sites where they are safely and permanently removed from the environment. To achieve our climate goals, CCS – and the new CO2 pipelines it requires – will have to be part of the solution.
The U.S. Gulf Coast
The U.S. Gulf Coast has one of the largest known CO2 storage capabilities in the world, so achieving our clean energy future will require connecting these storage sites with the technology that captures the carbon emissions at their source.
Building new CO2 pipelines will lead to long-term benefits for our local communities, our energy industry and our nation.
Transition to Cleaner Energy
Capturing carbon emissions will help us achieve our climate goals and provide the energy we need. In the near future, we will be able to reduce or virtually eliminate the carbon footprint of the fuels we use by capturing the emissions created when they are consumed. New CO2 pipelines will play a key role in reducing these greenhouse gases by transporting the carbon emissions from where they are captured to where they are stored.
Industry Security and Jobs
By lowering the carbon footprint of our local energy industry, carbon capture will improve the environment in which we all live, preserve the many benefits our community enjoys from this robust industry and create new opportunities for growth. New CO2 pipelines will be needed to move the captured carbon emissions to permanent storage, and building this new network of CO2 pipelines will create well-paying jobs, grow the local economy and help secure our local energy industry.
The Future of Texas Energy
The path to a cleaner and more secure energy future starts in Texas. Our state always has been the pace-setter in energy development. To maintain our position, we must lead the way in carbon capture technologies that will empower our low-carbon energy future. An important part will be building a new CO2 pipeline network that will transport carbon emissions to permanent storage. These new CO2 pipelines will form the foundation of our future clean energy economy.
Information on how pipelines work, how they are constructed and what pipeline operators do to keep them safe.
Pipelines deliver the benefits of affordable energy, helping us get where we need to go and making life more convenient.
Proactive inspections, preventive maintenance, and 24/7 monitoring all keep pipelines and surrounding areas safe.